
11th Grade | North Carolina

From Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Hao has a strong interest in biomedical engineering, with a focus on the intersection of neurology and AI. Hao is fascinated by the ongoing development of AI technologies that can seamlessly integrate with human cognition, facilitating a direct connection between the human brain and AI systems. Hao is eager to contribute to pioneering technologies and make impactful discoveries that could shape the future. Hao also has aspirations of building her own company or leading a team to do experiments and manage technologies. Hao has always been interested in how her hands-on skills can apply to entrepreneurship.

I would say, "Be a cheerleader for yourself and advocate, even if others won’t.” When I first entered the STEM field, taking my first engineering class, I was the only girl in the class. I felt intimidated and left out. However, I learned to be my own cheerleader and thrive in topics I am passionate about even facing some challenges.



