Meet Prisha

I am an inventor and compassionate changemaker who loves to apply my knowledge of STEAM and coding to create solutions to real world problems. I have developed a water-saving shower head, solar-powered drone and Arduino-based lead detection device.

I have received acclaim for an AI-based Wildfire Prevention, Detection and Suppression System for which I won the 2022 Broadcom Coding with Commitment recognition and Lemelson Award for Invention at the 2021 Broadcom MASTERS competition. I have also developed GlucoseAssist, an app to help individuals manage their blood glucose levels.

As a Chief Science Officer, I advocate STEAM careers for young women and girls and inspire young people on a global scale, with projects like organizing STEAM workshops in India. I am also a climate activist, who spoke at the 2022 United Nations SDG Media Summit. I was a panelist in STE(A)M for the SDGs, and inspired the youth to create solutions to solve the world’s biggest problems and take action.


Meet Olive


Meet Veronica