Million Girls Moonshot and Qualcomm teamed up to showcase the power of mentorship on the latest episode of Mission Unstoppable!

Flight Crew member Mackenzie Hill met up with Qualcomm's Director of Software Engineering, Yun Lin to explore more about the world of invention.

We invite you to share the episode to encourage other young people to get excited about STEM and help inspire one million more girls in STEM.

Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors with Qualcomm

Inspired by what you saw? Qualcomm Incorporated, the world’s leading wireless technology innovator, shows us all what is possible when we give more girls the opportunity to invent and inspire. Meet three additional female inventors solving problems today.

Enjoy the episode? Let Qualcomm know on Twitter @Qualcomm and @QualcommforGood

Share Your STEM Story

Share Your STEM Story

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You can find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @girlsmoonshot

“When girls lead and bring their diverse perspectives to the table, we build better solutions and see our world through a whole new lens. A leader exemplifies that there’s strength in honesty and power in failure and leading in STEM means leaving the door open for others to follow.

You can be a leader and so can every single girl reading this!”

-Mackenzie H., 2022 Flight Crew

Mackenzie H. is a college freshman from Alabama studying Computer Science at Cornell University. She was an inaugural member of the Million Girl Moonshot Flight Crew.  From teaching over 300 young women how to code, starting her own STEM initiative SociGO, and serving on Alumni Boards for Girls Who Code and The Congressional App Challenge — she seeks to increase equity and diversity in afterschool STEM.