Dear Summer - An Ode to Hands-On Learning from the Flight Crew 

When school ends, students around the country find themselves with extra time to take in the sun, explore new interests and spend time with loved ones. Summer can be a magical time for young people to experiment with learning and connect their experiences to the real world. 

Now, as Summer 2023 comes to a close, we celebrate the joyful learning experiences of the Million Girls Moonshot 2023 Flight Crew - a group of youth ambassadors working within their communities to solve challenges across 37 states. From staying present to exploring careers in biotechnology and engineering, these youth leaders remind us of why summer is such an important time in a young person’s life. 

From Tamar

Dear Summer, 

I've always wondered what it would be like to find valuable information that improves healthcare. I'm thankful for my summer mentorship at Dana-Farber's CURE program, where I've had the opportunity to research dietary supplements and their effect on the health of cancer patients.


From Aditi

Dear Summer, 

Thank you for giving me so many powerful learning experiences.

I attended the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Engineering & Construction Camp at the US Air Force base in Wilmington, NC. For a week, we worked in squads to complete various construction challenges that taught us engineering principles and how to work efficiently as a team. I learned about how engineering is incorporated into the military, and more about the Air Force, as well as their role in protecting our country.

The Girl Build Solutions event in Atlanta was a very different experience for me. Meeting successful women in STEM and hearing their stories was inspiring! I was glad to be able to meet other girls my age who are also doing incredible things in their communities. I appreciated this opportunity and I hope to continue doing my part in promoting STEM and becoming a successful STEM professional. 

I participated in the National Youth Leadership Institute (NYLI) in Washington, D.C. At NYLI, I learned about how to be a better leader and how to work as part of a team to achieve a common goal. We went to Capitol Hill to advocate for summer learning programs and summer meals. I hope to continue this to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to STEM learning programs.. 

In July, I conducted a four week robotics workshop at the YMCA. We taught elementary and middle school students interested in robotics how to build an EV3 robot to accomplish certain missions. 

I had the opportunity to participate in the Spring and Summer Learning Undefeated Leaders in Biotechnology program. It concluded with an on-site two week lab outside of AstraZeneca, where I experienced working with others in a lab doing synthetic biology experiments and learned more about biotechnology careers. 

Overall, I have had an eventful summer and I am thankful for the opportunities I’ve had!


From Leena

Dear Summer, 

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be an intern at Kiewit . I've learned so much from everyone I've worked with and received more insight into what an engineering company does! Working on real projects makes me feel confident about my STEM journey. 

Thank you!


From Aika

Dear Summer,

Thank you for being my favorite summer EVER. 

In June, I traveled to Japan to see my family and was mesmerized by the beauties created by the intersection between art and STEM at TeamLab Planets immersive art experience in Tokyo. 

I visited the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and went into a life-sized model of the Kibo module of the ISS where many experiments in space have been conducted. It was inspiring to see the agency’s growth and learn more about Japan’s contributions to space exploration. 

Japan also has so many different technologies and inventions ranging from talking toilets to bullet trains to ramen-ordering machines. Japan is truly an innovative country and a beautiful place to visit.

After Japan, I attended Girls Build Solutions in Atlanta, Georgia. It was an absolutely incredible experience and I am so grateful to have met so many amazing young women in the Million Girls Moonshot Flight Crew. I was surrounded by girls my age and who are achieving a multitude of great things across the nation. Their passion and interest in empowering girls in STEM inspired me to chase my dreams even further and not let doubt get in the way of achieving my fullest potential.

When I returned to my home state of Montana, I spent a week at Montana Learning Center participating in the Montana Aerospace Scholars summer residency. With other like-minded individuals from all across the state, we planned a mission to Mars together and completed several STEM challenges including LEGO robot building, bottle-rocket designing, and chemical rocket launching. I spent the week refining my passion for engineering.

I also worked at Montana Learning Center as a junior counselor-in-training for youth STEM camps. I had a wonderful time being able to witness the curiosity of young minds and help youth develop an in-depth understanding of multiple STEM subjects. I even got to assist with a private star party, where I was able to operate a 25” Dobsonian telescope! 

I am incredibly thankful for the experiences and memories I was able to make this summer. I have met many inspiring individuals and role models who will continue to motivate me to work my hardest. I can’t wait to see what my future holds for me as I continue along my path towards my STEM dreams.

Yours truly,


From Prisha

Dear Summer,

Thank you for giving me the time to spend time with my family and conduct scientific research that I am interested in!


From Ariel

Dear Summer,

Thank you for all the warmth and beauty I was able to enjoy during my travels - from Atlanta to DC to Orlando to Plymouth. I connected with and grew so much from the people and the environments I visited!

Most notably, thank you for the transformational experience of visiting Atlanta for Girls Build Solutions. Since joining the Million Girls Moonshot Flight Crew, I’ve had the opportunity to virtually connect with so many talented girls from across the nation. But, during Girls Build Solutions I was finally able to meet them all in person. From brainstorming how to solve STEM inaccessibility to applying our knowledge by engineering memento boxes, I soaked up as much as I could - educationally, socially, emotionally - while I was immersed in this rare pool of girls in STEM. Alongside all of the knowledge I gained, I also gained a network of close friends. From team games to late-night karaoke, I found that, even though we all had distinct interests in different areas of STEM, we were connected by our passions and identity. 

At the Girls Build Solutions celebration event, they played a video about my work in afterschool. I saw myself appear on screen and I couldn’t stop smiling. The video sharing my STEM and afterschool experiences played in front of a crowd of supportive STEM advocates and I felt that I had finally stepped up to the STEM podium to share my journey to inspire other girls. 

This experience transformed me, and motivates me to spread this message: no matter her background, experience or gender, she too can pursue STEM.

Catch you next year!


From Mayumi

Dear Summer,

Thank you for giving me the time to explore my interests and help others in my community. I have learned so much at my engineering camp so far. 



From Frida

Dear Summer,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn more about the people that surround me and prepare me for my exciting future! You have given me the ability to learn more about my parents, grandparents, friends, employers and myself.

This summer I had the incredible opportunity to immerse myself in the world of STEM.  

My summer adventure began when I secured a position at a local medical office. Little did I know that this opportunity would not only broaden my knowledge, but also allow me to make a positive impact on the lives of those around me. As I delved into the realm of diagnosis and everyday medical issues, I discovered a newfound passion for the wonders of the human body.

Every day, I eagerly arrived at the office, prepared to expand my thinking under the guidance of experienced professionals. I learned to identify and understand various medical conditions, from common ailments to more complex issues. As the summer progressed, I found myself becoming a reliable source of information and guidance for those around me. Being able to assist my relatives and serve as a reliable source not only filled my heart with joy, but it was also incredibly empowering. 

Not only did my STEM journey allow me to help others, but it also provided me with a deeper understanding of the intricate workings of the human body. I marveled at the complexity of our physiology and the interconnectedness of various systems. This newfound knowledge sparked a curiosity within me that extended beyond the confines of the medical office.

During my free time, I eagerly delved into books, articles and online resources, further expanding my understanding of the medical field. I found myself engrossed in discussions with like-minded individuals, exchanging ideas and insights that enriched my summer experience even further. 

If you ever find yourself with free time in the summers ahead, consider exploring the world of STEM. Embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact. I enjoyed every moment in the medical office, and felt inspired to begin writing my own research paper!


From Kiana

Dear Summer, 

Thank you for the warm weather, sunny days and endless nights. Thank you for the movies, the gaming and the amazing food. Thank you for the beach, the mountains and the forest. Thank you for the road trips, the camps and all of the family time. Thank you for the laughter, the fun and the memories.

You took me on so many adventures. We flew out to Georgia Tech, drove up to San Francisco, spent time at the University of California, San Diego, and learned a lot at the Science Fleet Center. We had so much fun together, and I learned so much!

Most importantly, you taught me how to live in the moment. You showed me how to appreciate the simple things in life, like a cool breeze on a hot day or the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Additionally, you taught me the value of a strong community and a supportive family. I would not have had these opportunities without the people around me cheering me on. 

I will miss you when you're gone. I’ll look forward to seeing you next year. 


STEM Next celebrates the joys of summer learning with the Million Girls Moonshot Flight Crew, and hope that their experiences can continue to disrupt our understanding of who can build, invent and engineer. As the Flight Crew breaks down stereotypes in STEM, we also reflect on the idea of education as a beacon of equity and inclusivity. Every young person, regardless of their background, deserves the chance to explore, learn and grow. Let these experiences inspire us to expand out-of-school learning opportunities for all children, everywhere.


A Summer of STEAM Innovation and Learning for Ohio Youth


“My Turn: After-school programs shaped my life. Why don’t all students have access?” Alaska’s Flight Crew Member Gives Her Perspective